It’s Summer – What can I do to Save Water? – Tips for a Tenant

Experiencing the hot harsh climate of Perth and with Dams at such a low level, we should all play our part to help conserve water. This is important not only for the environment – it can be quite important for your wallet as well! After all, most tenants are responsible for paying for their o

wn water consumption, and some quick fixes can make a big difference in your overall bill. Here are some great tips for all the tenants out there hoping to save some water this summer!


Catch Cold Water

If you have a water heating system that takes a minute to kick in, make sure you are saving the cold water that you have to spend to get to the hot water flowing. You can use this to water plants or find plenty of other uses for this perfectly good water that otherwise would have gone straight down the drain!

Fix a Dripping Sink

You may not believe it, but fixing a dripping tap can save you up to 10,000 liters of water over the course of a year. If you have any leaky faucets in your home, make sure you get them fixed as soon as possible – contact your property manager to report this fault ASAP.

Turn off the Tap While You Brush

Making sure you turn that tap off when you are brushing your teeth is a straightforward and easy way to conserve water.

Catch Rainwater

It may not rain a ton during the summer, but by making the most of natural rainwater we can help preserve the cities supply and save!

Reduce Garden Watering Times by 2 minutes

We all understand that a lot of rental properties in Perth require the tenant to maintain the gardens, which includes watering the plants. By cutting watering times by 2 minutes, you still give the plants enough water, but you will be doing your part to conserve our precious resources!

For more water saving ideas go to


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