Maintenance Can Be Costly but Accidents Can Be Deadly

Premises liability accidents are accidents caused by dangerous or defective property, whether outside or inside a building. Premises liability accidents can take place at a residence, a commercial property or a public property such as a park or a street.

The law allows for many different interpretations of “dangerous” and “defective.” This ranges from something as simple as clutter or poor maintenance to problems such as bad design, construction defects or substandard building materials. Tripping, slipping, falling or being hit by falling debris are examples of premises liability accidents.

Premises liability accidents are to be avoided for two reasons. First, someone can seriously get hurt or even killed. Second, it is the landlord who is responsible for keeping the property safe for renters.

How to Avoid Costly Liability Lawsuits with Property Managers

How Landlord Liability Works

The owner of a property has a responsibility to not put any tenants or visitors such as friends or customers at risk due to dangerous conditions on the property. This can include negligent disregard of faulty design, workmanship or materials, or failure to maintain the property in a safe condition.

The reasoning behind this rule is solid: it is the owner who has ultimate control over the condition of the property in most cases. Consequently, the responsibility for the property ultimately lies with the owner. Here are some tips for keeping properties safe.


If your property still has the old tank system, make sure it is in working order and that there are no cracked pipes.


Your balcony decking must be safe. Make sure every part of your balcony is safe, secure and sturdy. A fall from or through a balcony can be fatal. Make sure this doesn’t happen.


Walls, ceilings, floor and glass can all cause fatalities or serious injuries. Make sure that all are solid and structurally sound. Any of these can collapse or fall under stress if not up to code.


Electrical work should always be up to code and always completed by a qualified electrician. Bad electrical work is a major cause of fires, both in homes and businesses.

The Investor’s Edge

The best way to ensure safety is to hire a great property management team and let them do the legwork. Call 1300 472 427 today for more information.

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