Episode 159: Property Valuation 101: Understanding the 9 Key Factors That Affect A Property Price

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In today’s throwback episode from our best episodes of 2023 summer series, I’m diving deep into the realm of property valuation, specifically focusing on the art of accurately pricing a property. 

This is especially pertinent in the context of the bustling, hot Perth market. My goal is to equip you with the knowledge to quickly and accurately determine a property’s market value, which is crucial in swiftly securing properties in this competitive landscape.

I’m going to explore the nine key factors that significantly influence a property’s price. Given the current influx of investors in Perth, understanding these factors is more important than ever. It’s not just about the price tag; I also stress the importance of considering long-term factors like a property’s saleability and rentability. This is vital for ensuring your investment remains valuable, even in a downturn, and helps in finding quality tenants.

Let’s go inside.


Episode Highlights:

  1. Intro [00:00]
  2. Property Size, Layout, and Location [03:55]
  3. Property Condition, Market Trends, and Pricing Strategies [08:08]
  4. Property Features and Their Impact on Value [12:12]
  5. Factors to Consider When Pricing a Property [16:27] 

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