Do You Know the New Security Requirements for Residential Properties?

Residential Security Requirements

As of 1 July, 2013, security requirements for your residential investment properties in Perth and across Australia have just become more stringent. New properties are required to be built along these security guidelines, while owners of existing buildings will have until 1 July 2015 to bring their properties into compliance.

Perth property managers are also alert to the security requirements as well, as follows:

The main entry door must have a key lockable security screen door, pursuant to AS 5039-2008, or a deadlock. The deadlock can have one or two cylinders. A single cylinder is recommended, because it can be opened from the inside in case of a fire by turning the knob or turning a handle.

The deadlock can be incorporated into the handset or it can be a separate mechanism from that of the door handle. Please note that this requirement is an either/or; only the key lockable security screen door or the deadlock is required.

Other external doors have almost the same requirements: The deadlock or the key lockable security screen door. The only difference is that a patio bolt lock can be installed on a door that can’t be fitted with a deadlock. Patio bolts are not required to be key lockable.

Windows are also subject to minimum security requirements under the new act, but they are not so stringent. Windows simply require a lock that keeps anyone from opening the window from the outside. Keyed locks are not required, but locks, closers, or latches must be in working order to ensure security. A security screen can be substituted for the lock.

External lighting is required under the new law, too. The main entry must be fitted with an electrical light that illuminates the main entry, and it must be able to be turned on from the inside. Apartments, flats, and buildings in which the responsibility for lighting falls on the strata body are exempt from this rule.

To ask our favourite question: What does this mean to you? It means you have two years to bring your current properties into compliance. Luckily, none of the necessary additions are cost prohibitive.

If you have any questions, or you need assistance in getting someone to equip your property with the minimum level of security, please call Jewayne on 0416 141 064.

Read an article on:Do You Know the New Security Requirements for Residential Properties?”


2 thoughts on “Do You Know the New Security Requirements for Residential Properties?

  1. Hi Jewayne

    If we are planning to sell an existing property before 1 July 2015, are we required to conform to these requirements?

    Kind regards

    1. Hi Chrissie,

      To the best of my understanding, the amendments are only for the property management aspect. These amendments are for the Residential Tenancies Act, so if you are selling, I believe you do not have to comply with these amendments.

      Best Regards,

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